Man’s Camp

Man’s Camp will provide encouragement and opportunities to the young and old alike. Through worship services, campfire fellowship, and a hands-on expo, men can experience new things and learn ways to build up each other.

Try your hands at the outdoor experience by tent camping Friday evening. Wander through the Expo and learn about over-landing, fishing, fireworks, and firearms. Take a moment and weld some metal, turn some wood, and reload ammo. Taste the results of dutch oven cooking and test your abilities with archery.

Hear inspiring messages from Evan Barns and Clay Dyer, both professional fishermen that have overcome limitations to excel in their fields and give God constant glory. 

Join us for a weekend of relaxation and enjoyment just for men!


Just for you....

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”

                                                                                --Albert Einstein